Insights and out of (my) mind, or, the puns, they never stop!

Well, remaining readers, the time has come for your beloved, respectful, well respected, non-dick-move-making writer to give you more meaningful insights; this time it being his fetishes. It would seem that he has developed a fetish for prosthetic legs. This is not the first time he has blagged them, but this time it has occurred to him that, like Mahjqa, he seems to be projecting his fetishes to the Lego community, albeit through the more artful median of writing instead of Lego's.

Frequently featured builder Sir Nadroj gives us a scene from the movie American Psycho. While your beloved, respectful, well respected, non-dick-move-making writer has never seen this movie or read the novel of the same name, off of which it is based, he has read the Wikipedia article on it. It seems like a really good movie and your author can greatly appreciate this scene in which Christian Bale is about to use a surprisingly common colored axe to kill a man sitting on a grated floor who has two rather long prosthetic legs.

Now your beloved, respectful, well respected, non-dick-move-making writer must away in order to (re)discover his depravity!

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