Gould makes the best use he can of his limited medium blue parts palette in the lorry, with subtle offsets and a shiny hood ornament. He needs to work on the photography, though. Each picture is nice, but they are all almost the exact same angle. Show us some tail, Timothy!
Kudinov (k100m on flickr) uses the old school firemen figs to lend some authenticity to his fire truck. This would be a delightful set.
Moving on, there are some pairings that are eternal. Abbott and Costello, lamb and mint jelly, Batman and Robin, and of course, antique cars and enormous fictional birds.
Lukas treats us to a sort of mini-Chocobo, what he calls a Wraclaw. Like its larger brethren, the bird's head is cleverly constructed around a sword, and Lukas has come up with some impressively spindly legs.
Erik Eti Smit has made a Donald Duck to scale with the short-lived Mickey Mouse line. Nice part usage on his little ruffly neck thing. The main purpose of blogging this, however, is to preempt our new addition, who is known for his outspoken hatred of all things Disney: Jonesy. Yes, the team behind the 3-years-defunct Golden Shpleem is united again. Dear readers, now triumvirate in power, twee affect is ready to take on anything. A gorilla or a bear, whatever.
You should have pointed out the angles thing on Flickr. I totally forgot to take a back shot.