As yall can tell, readers, lately we have (again) stopped poasting here on tweeaffect. I have generally lost interest in the blag and the Lego community. Whether this be a symptom of unipolar depression or a cop-out with which all lazy blaggers start their poasts (the former), here is an overdue poast.
As I said earlier, I have lost interest in the Lego community and do not really keep up with the "fads" anymore. If I were to continue to blag in spite of that, my poasts would be boring. Luckily for me, I have heard of this site that keeps tabs on all of them for you and then takes it a step further and makes zanie proposed combinations of them! A product of which seems to be Legohaulic's newst MOC, a Clockwork Knight (not to be confused with that one movie about Beethoven the guy who directed that Vietnamese movie also directed). I think this is supposed to be a combination of art deco architecture fads and that one movie about de jure racism in South Africa that also has abnormally large shrimp that a lot of people were building forever ago. Again, I do not really remember that well because I have lost touch with the community.
Maybe after exams and during spring break I can metaphorically blossom back into the community, fertilize my love of the Brick and recapture what I once had. Or should I instead focus on other aspects of my life that I should realign and hope that my love of the Brick will realign with it? Or is this a way to fall into a Dark Age because I will realize that I was a happier person before I found the internet and the online Lego community?
Do not metaphorically blossom back in, you must do so literally, things can get really gross the other way.
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought this was a semi serious post, then I thought it was some funny satire. Now I just have no clue what is going on.
ReplyDeleteMatt I don't see an ominous photo here, so obviously you're not taking time off from the community.
ReplyDeleteUmm.. What?